Page 11 - Nov/Dec 2015 Vol. 33 No. 5
P. 11
alternative daily cover for municipal solid is reimbursed through a State of Tennessee Recycle Center services not only the citi-
waste. Leaves collected are either run Grant from the Department of Environ- zens and companies of Chattanooga but
through the same grinder as the mulch to ment and Conservation up to $85,000 also its surrounding counties in an effort
create quick compostable material or set in annually. These allocated funds allow the to maximize landfill diversion while gen-
rows located in the back of the site which City to accept materials from both its citi- erating a steady stream of revenue, which
are regularly turned, assisting proper zens as well as County residents without is beneficial to both the City taxpayer and
decomposition, to ensure an efficient charging accompanying fees. The Wood the environment.
compostable process. The leaves are also
sold in the natural or unprocessed state to
businesses who will compost or process
the leaves themselves for other uses.
In addition to collecting City yard waste,
the Wood Recycle Center also collects
brush and leaves from contractors, and
non-City residents at a charge of $20 per
ton. Last fiscal year, the City collected from
these customers over 5,500 tons of brush
and 146 tons of leaves. City residents may
dispose of their yard waste at no charge.
Lastly, the City-run household hazardous
waste facility, situated within the Wood
Recycle Center, is where both Chattanooga
and Hamilton county residents can bring
materials, classified as toxic and unsafe to
dispose of in their regular garbage, and
have it properly recycled or removed from
the waste stream, meeting environmental
guidelines. This service is held on the sec-
ond Saturday of each month and averages
77 participants and collects on average 2.7
tons of materials. The City of Chattanooga
View online at 11
waste. Leaves collected are either run Grant from the Department of Environ- zens and companies of Chattanooga but
through the same grinder as the mulch to ment and Conservation up to $85,000 also its surrounding counties in an effort
create quick compostable material or set in annually. These allocated funds allow the to maximize landfill diversion while gen-
rows located in the back of the site which City to accept materials from both its citi- erating a steady stream of revenue, which
are regularly turned, assisting proper zens as well as County residents without is beneficial to both the City taxpayer and
decomposition, to ensure an efficient charging accompanying fees. The Wood the environment.
compostable process. The leaves are also
sold in the natural or unprocessed state to
businesses who will compost or process
the leaves themselves for other uses.
In addition to collecting City yard waste,
the Wood Recycle Center also collects
brush and leaves from contractors, and
non-City residents at a charge of $20 per
ton. Last fiscal year, the City collected from
these customers over 5,500 tons of brush
and 146 tons of leaves. City residents may
dispose of their yard waste at no charge.
Lastly, the City-run household hazardous
waste facility, situated within the Wood
Recycle Center, is where both Chattanooga
and Hamilton county residents can bring
materials, classified as toxic and unsafe to
dispose of in their regular garbage, and
have it properly recycled or removed from
the waste stream, meeting environmental
guidelines. This service is held on the sec-
ond Saturday of each month and averages
77 participants and collects on average 2.7
tons of materials. The City of Chattanooga
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