Page 7 - TN Public Works Sept-Oct 2014 Vol.32 No.3
P. 7
Left: ReCommunity’s single stream MRF processes commingled recyclables from municipal
collection programs. The facility opened in 1996 and completed a single-stream processing
retrofit in January of 2014. Above: At ReCommunity MRF, the recyclables are sorted into
15 high quality recyclable commodities. Learn more about what happens to recyclable
materials collected at the curb by visiting

directed to the ReCommunity Memphis of Memphis is rolling out carts one sector the production of consumer goods. The de-
Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). ReCom- at a time. The city expects to grow to at least mand for the material is strong in the area.
munity Memphis, opened in 1996, com- 30,000 tons/year as recycling is embraced by “What started as an environmental
pleted a single-stream processing retrofit in the community. movement 30 years ago is now a signifi-
January. At full capacity, the 20+ tons-per- ReCommunity took a long view of cant driver in our economy,” said SERDC
hour processing line is capable of manag- recycling when making the decision Director Will Sagar. Due to energy and
ing upwards of 90,000 tons of recyclables to reinvest in its 15-year operation in transportation savings, more and more
annually. This single stream MRF takes Memphis. Municipalities in the South are companies are seeking recycled material
commingled recyclables from a municipal continuously adopting the best solid waste to replace virgin material. These firms are
collection program and sorts those into over management practices including curbside creating manufacturing jobs and strength-
15 high quality recyclable commodities. collection of source-separated recycling ening our economic recovery. Steady job
In 2013, ReCommunity Memphis using wheeled 96-gallon carts. Public growth in the industry is documented
processed 20,000 tons of recyclables, and works departments need a MRF that can from several sources. Collierville’s com-
in the process helped reduce greenhouse separate commingled glass, metal, plastic, mitment to improved recycling will assist
gas emissions by 50,000 MTCO2e, or the paper, and cardboard. Without the single- in the expansion of these efforts.
equivalent of removing more than 9,000 stream MRF within a reasonable distance, The ReCommunity Memphis MRF
cars from the road. Memphis residents it’s impractical to switch to single stream processes recyclables from most munici-
can download a copy of the report at collection. With ReCommunity’s invest- palities in the nearly one million people
[] for ment, the communities of the greater MSA. ReCommunity Memphis’ acceptable
fun comparisons equating the amount of Memphis area can make that switch with recyclables is expansive and includes metal
recycled material to the amount of trees confidence. cans, plastic containers, paper, cardboard,
and oil saved, jobs created and more. Meeting the Demand glass bottles, and cartons. It also recov-
ReCommunity Memphis has the capacity ers rigid bulky plastics like large plastic
The increased material collected by Col-
to give communities such as Collierville the lierville will go directly to feed industrial toys, plastic lawn furniture and five-gallon
confidence to divert the maximum amount demand in Tennessee and the Southeast. pails. In addition, ReCommunity Mem-
of recyclables from the waste stream. With a The Southeast Recycling Development phis collects and processes commercial
baseline of 2000 tons/year, the town projects Council, SERDC, recently identified over recyclable materials, leveraging its client-
an increase to 3000 tons and hopes for 200 manufacturing facilities in the region tailored collection programs, which have
4000 tons/year as participation improves that rely upon material from municipal strengthened ties to the Memphis business
due to transitioning to 96-gallon carts and recycling programs for material feedstock in community.
single stream collection. Likewise, the city Continued on page 8
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