Page 5 - TNPW Jan-Feb2018 Vol35 No6
P. 5

TCAPWA Executive                             By Ryan McReynolds
                                             Caring for our Community
                                             My Public Works career started as a
PRESIDENT: Ryan McReynolds                   young child in the backyard sandbox.
Assistant City Manager, Kingsport            While my friends were busy racing and                   crashing Matchbox cars around their
(423) 229-9470                               imaginary race track, I was building cities
                                             complete with hospitals, gas stations
PRESIDENT ELECT: Phillip Jones               and pizza parlors. Apparently this is a
Operations Manager, Metro Nashville          hereditary trait as my 12-year-old son                  spends hours building much larger and
(615) 533-2377                               more complex cities on his iPad. Building
                                             cities, shaping communities and serving
VICE-PRESIDENT: Justin Holland               neighbors are the fundamental building
Administrator of Public Works, Chattanooga   blocks of our Public Works careers. I once                    heard a foreman tell his garbage crew
(423) 643-6000                               to hold their heads high, not everyone
                                             has the privilege to clean a city every
SECRETARY: Sharon Rollins                    week. How true those words are…many
Consulting Program Manager, MTAS             will go through life shuffling papers and                 ensuring that the business they work for     Ryan McReynolds, City of Kingsport
(865) 974-0411                               runs smoothly; but we, as Public Works       2018 TCAPWA President

TREASURER: Kenny Wiggins                     professionals, have the distinct pleasure of caring for our community.
Director, Public Works & Engineering, Alcoa  Very early in my career with the City of Kingsport I received a phone call                  from a maintenance worker, Eddie, at our demolition landfill. Eddie wanted
(865) 380-4800                               to schedule a time for me to visit the landfill so he could show me a piece of
                                             machinery that I had complained to his supervisor was not being handled
WEST DIR: John Fox                           properly. While Eddie had never been in a motorcycle gang, I am quite
Operations Assistant, Collierville           certain that no gang member would have had the courage to ask him to leave                   if he wanted to attend a meeting. Once Eddie had taken me to the tire splitter
(901) 457-2800                               on the far side of the landfill (away from any witnesses), I got a little nervous
                                             and asked, “Eddie, did you take me back here to kill me?”
MIDDLE DIR: Cody Osborne                     He looked at me with a huge grin hidden by his beard and said, “Naw, I
Waste Superintendent, Metro Public Works     wouldn’t do that to you.” Eddie did show me how difficult the task was that we                   were asking of the crew and how we could accomplish the same result much
615-862-4070                                 easier a different way. Through that exchange, an employee reaching out to
                                             his boss’s boss’s boss, I learned a valuable lesson. Public Works hit a common
UPPER EAST DIR: Nicholas Bradshaw            chord. We all want to make a difference. Those drawn into this profession,
Planning & Safety Coordinator, Knoxville     whether they collect garbage, repair waterlines, clean sewer lines, pave                    roadways, maintain traffic signs, or manage the whole department all want to
(865) 215-6022                               build cities, shape communities, and serve their neighbors.
                                             My path from childhood to Public Works Director took me through
LOWER EAST DIR: Eric Sines                   Tennessee Tech for a BS in Civil Engineering, East Tennessee State University
Director of Public Works, Collegedale        for a Master’s in Business Administration, the City of Johnson City’s Water                     and Sewer Department, a few years in private consulting, and finally to the
(423) 468-1983                               City of Kingsport. APWA has been an integral component to allow me to
                                             serve Kingsport to my fullest.
COUNCIL OF CHAPTERS DELEGATE:                One of the areas of interest I see for TCAPWA during my tenure as
Ronnie Hammonds                              President will be to understand the value of, and begin to build the
Streets & Sanitation Manager, Kingsport      foundation for, mutual aid amongst Public Works departments for disaster               response and recovery. The need for this effort was brought to the forefront
(423) 229-9397                               during last year’s fires and the subsequent recovery efforts in Sevier County.

City Engineer, Memphis
(901) 576-6700

Public Works Director, Pigeon Forge
(865) 429-7312

Technical Specialist, Metro Public Works
(615) 880-1680; (615) 416-5014 cell

P.O. Box 52503, Knoxville, TN 37950
(865) 288-0815

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